Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

How did you feel?

How did you feel?
When you walked around the bright blue sea,
The billows whimper and clasped
A thousand of sands fumbling your legs,
And it’s thrilling whole pulse
And the winds bring a license

O'er my dear
The blue sky was a scarlet
The world of fear was evaporated
A wounded heart swiftly flew by the winds
Like a ship, drowned in the sea of shadows
Take a breath with a long long sigh
O'er my dear friend
Somehow or other I am so blind
While twilight at horizon was a perfect sign
Ere long it will rain under the sun shine
Thus, whilst good time we possess,
More precious we pray for everything we wish
O’er my Lord
It was a our resignation
Like the world wide of ocean,
We hope a thousand of forgiveness for a thousand of sins
Before the twist of fate, bring to end of mortal life
Goodbye the bright blue sea, till we see you again in the other end of our voyage
Suwug,8 February 2015

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Gadis kecil yang menunggu hujan

Gadis kecil yang menunggu hujan
Adik kecil yang manis….
Kenapakah kau duduk termangu dengan tak jemu?
Dibawah rintiknya hujan di hari minggu
Basah kuyup bajumu meski payung di tanganmu
Kenapa pula kau telanjang tanpa alas kaki?
Sedang jalan berbatu begitu tajam seperti duri
tengoklah kawanmu sudah berlarian mencari pelanggan
Mengumpulkan recehan dari memayungi hujan

Adik kecil yang manis….
Mau kah engkau antarkan kakak ke seberang sana?
Memayungi kakak tapi juga memayungi adik dari hujan
Tapi bagaimana engkau akan memayungiku?
sedang payungmu lebih besar darimu tubuhmu
Jika engkau mau biar kakak saja yang memegang payungya
Kupegang tanganmu kenapakah dingin sekali,seperti hujan sore ini
Kupandang matamu sejenak Nampak bukan mripat kanak – kanak

Ooh adik kecil yang manis…
Maukah engkau berbicara kepadaku?
Agar aku tahu kenapa mripatmu tak lagi kanak – kanak
Dan tanganmu yang begitu dingin seperti hujan
Ooh adik kecil yang manis
Rupanya  kau tak mengerti apa itu ibu
Jadi ibumu meninggalkanmu sebelum kau bisa berbicara?
Ah malangnya nasibmu di jual keadaan
Menunggu hujan mencari recehan
Dan saat hujan reda, kemankah engkau pergi adik kecil yang manis?
Gramedia Purwokerto, 1 februari 2015

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015

New Years, New hope

It is the third day of New Year and the old year ends. All sorrows, joys, faults, failures and strains to be abound of tales of our past journal. It is a good time to dawn a new resolution for the future. Then, reweave the vision and dreams that have been accomplish yet. Declare the vows and oaths to bid farewell to meanness and disappointments. Brace with a merriment to entail for new life with fervor, hope and love. Yet, the matter in the past might be clinging as a cycle of our life. So above all is a good way to conquer all the venture and challenges that might come. But remember that the entire weave are not only for a year life, but also our long life journey. So, please keep your fervor to endure all the matter that might come till you accomplish your dreams. Swear an oath to bring for a better life and good circumstances. Then, do the best efforts to gain your long life dreams and hope. As useful person is one of them. Last, I wish that my lovely country will have dignified and honorable leader. Has a true affection to residents not merely a great image that builds toward the election.

Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

My cousin wedding

The way to Semarang, to my cousin wedding party

there are so many happiness in that time
After we came there, I pray to Allah that mas fuad my lovely brother will be the next
I wish he will plant the flower to our garden as soon as possoble
Oooh My Lord please give him the best for accompanying his life