Selasa, 25 November 2014

Tribute For my Heroes : Teacher

On Teachers’ Day on November 25th, 2014: Tribute to My Lovely Teacher

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. (Brad Henry).
For all teachers in this nation, I want to say thank you very much for teach us. Have Happy Teachers ‘Day, especially for the teachers in circle of my life. I want to give great appreciation for their special contributions in changing my life and also the child of this nation for the better. But More than ever, I've been growing up in the circles of teachers. My Dad was an elementary school, my uncle, my two aunts, and so my lovely sister and her husband.

I took this moment to remind myself that without a teacher I will foolish forever. In my life I have a great teacher that often gives me inspiration and spirit of learning. He has been bringing a flicker of hope to his wife, his five children and also in each child that he was encountered. He is my lovely teacher and also my lovely father. In in my childhood he is the teacher who was taught me how to read Al – qur’an, in the school he taught me to learn a lesson. So with my sister and my brother. Before taught us, it was the people of my village. They came from many various of age, not only the young but also the old people. That was until one day, father has got a great gift,he was married with one of his student. It was mom. Interesting story right? From teaching getting a wife.

Then,no means to over that I put him as one of my hero and my role model in my life. Since my childhood till now he has been taught me about many things. He often discussed with my sister and my brother, and I always like this moment very much. We were enthusiastic when he told us about the history, sometime about politics,wayang,Javanese philosophy, or the story of his life. With his habit I gain some new knowledge, inspiration and spirit. He used to advise me “ Maybe We only a villages and not a rich person, but don’t make you to be less confidence ! Don’t leave your religion, make a learning as part of your life,read more, more and more.” I understand that he likes reading books very much still his childhood and he wants we’re too. Dad, i still remember a thousands of advice that you have given to me. So dad I am sorry that today I haven’t make you proud of me. Yet, i still learn and doing some effort to accomplish them. 

Next, great appreciation for every teacher that have taught me since Elementary, Junior and Senior high school. I can’t mention one by one. So with the other teacher that came from out of the school. You’re influence my life. You’re brick in the structure of social development and perfection after parents. You help to shape the behaviors and mentalities of individuals and communities. You are a good role model and provide upright examples, the faith and assurance of responsible people.

For me, teachers are real live heroes in my life, the ones that change my life to be  better. They inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. Teaching is about life-long learning, having fun and inspiring students to learn and do their best. They taught me that it wouldn’t a matter what kind of job I land on, what kind of house I lived in, and how much money i have in the future, as long as I am useful for others and inspire them to be better.

Too many people are looking for heroes in another places; Please be aware the great  heroes are near from you, they are your parents, they are abound in public schools; teachers who dedicate their everyday to inspire their students to be better each day.

A snail Wisdom

One day Allah asked me to accompany a snail walked away. As I though before I can’t walked quickly. Although the snail was tried hardly to crawl, he will never moved on quickly. I argued snapped and force him to walk faster. But, he looks so poor, he asked me to forgive him. He told that he was tried hardly very much. But i ignored all reason he had. Again, I force and dragged him until he moved on. He poured a cold sweat and breathlessly. I mused, why Allah asked me to accompany a snail walked away? I didn’t find a reason to do it. Ooh Allah didn’t you understand that I can’t be patient with him? I want to leave him.
But Allah forbids me. Allah asked me jogged trot and to be quietly. Ok I will let him crawl ahead. Even though I felt fed walk slowly behind him.

After a moment, I smelled aromatic flowers. It amazing! It’s a flower garden. I can felt a fair of bellows of the cold air. It so pleasant, I can felt the softening of the air star to touch me. I can hear a bird chirruped on the tree. I look at the sky, the stars scattered brightly. I felt touched, ooh Allah why I never understand it before?  
Finally I aware, during the time I had a wrong mind, I did a mistake. While I thought that it’s all were mistreatment s, actually it’s the way for me to get something great.

Dear, dear all
When you meet someone that you love very much, please keep them to be with you forever. Why? Because when they leave you, you will lose them forever.
When you meet a true friend please rub along with together. Cause in your long life time a true friend is not easy to find.
 When you meet someone that always help you, please remember for everything they did to you. So, be always to give thanks to them because they were changed your life.
When you meet someone that hate you, please greet and smiled. Cause they were made you to be stronger and pertinacious.

*Another Old Note
Now i felt it 

Refleksi aja

Kini tanduk setantertancap kuat di bumi nusantara
Ada yang berusaha dengan kuat untuk mencabutnya
Namun ada pula yang tak berdaya dan membiarkannya
Tak jarang pula yang justru menghamba kepadanya
 Hanya untuk pemenuhan hawa nafwu dunianya saja

Orang desa blangsatan ke kota hingga lupa siapa Tuhannya
Orang kota merasa bangga,karena punya harta dan tahta
Rakyat jelata kelaparan dimana - mana
wakil rakyat  tak lagi bisa dipercaya 
Politik berpihak kepada siapa?

Hutang negara semakin menggila saja
Koruptor tetap merdeka dengan kelakuannya
hukum semakin tak memiliki kekuatan kecuali pada rakyat kecil
Media yang cukup mempunyai peranpun,sudah  tidak memihak pada kebenaran,melainkan kepentingan.

Ahh negeri ini memang sudah gila orang - orangnya
sudah tak peduli lagi pada bangsanya sendiri
para penjajah berduyun duyun lagi tuk kuasai negeri
Tapi gilanya tak ada yang mengusirnya

Atau mungkin sudah lupa bagaiman dulu pejuang - pejuang kita memperjuangkan negeri ini?
lupakah mereka telah mengorbankan harta dan jiwanya demi negeri ini?

* An Old Note in the Past
Tapi aku salut dengan orang - orang yang hingga kini masih bertahan dengan ikhlas berada di tenpat - tempat yang begitu banyak fitnah dan godaan demi membangun bangsa ini. Semoga Allah senantiasa menjaga mereka hingga akhirnya

Selasa, 11 November 2014

My new life

Tingga;kan Blogg lama
Tinggalkan kebiasaan lama
Biarkan masa lalu tersapu angin lalu
menjadi pengalaman yang kan menuntunku
kini jalani hidup baru
cerita baru
semangat baru
niat baru
tanntangan baru
ilmu baru

ya kutemukan semangat baru yang nyaris hilang dari hidupku
kuterima apapun yang yerjadi padaku asal semnagt tak hilang dariku
yang terpenting adalah belajar,berlari dan jangan berhenti